Clean and Ready to Go! |
Well, after some rapid deployment repairs and improvements I can finally get on the road for a "real" trip. Much as I'd like to go on much more extended journeys, short trips are it until I can retire. (If that ever happens!) A friend of mine has property near Lake George, New York that he has setup for boondocking. He has a toy hauler trailer and enjoys going there with his family. They've been gracious enough to invite me to stay for a few days with them. I'll get there on a Tuesday and leave Thursday afternoon. Then back to work on Friday night. Such is life. Two Nights, no shore hookup, lots of sun and good folks. Should be great! I'll test the current version of the
Solar Charging System, the entertainment goodies I've installed and cook some gourmet style meals! Oh, did I mention he's Vegan. Have to come up with a recipe that he'll be able to eat...pasta primavera maybe?
We're off.....
Arrived about 30 minutes late since traffic NEVER cooperates with anyone. Everyone was sitting around the campfire watching the huge cast iron dutch oven bubble. My buddy wasn't the happiest camper as the gravel driveway he was counting on being finished...wasn't So we had to park on a high peaked, semi-compacted dirt driveway. Did I mention he had already gotten stuck backing his toy hauler trailer in??? Not an auspicious start. What was in the pot, you ask? A vegetarian mock beef stew concoction with fresh carrots potatoes some kind of soy "meat" and peas. I kid you not it was pretty good. They had baked some biscuits on top of the stew in the dutch oven. Very tasty. or maybe it was because I was ravenously hungry? Either way, I would have it again.
Video Gizmos. Yes, That's a VHS VCR! |
We decided to watch a movie and I volunteered my latest gizmo, the digital media player I installed last week (
see the article here) we watched a DVD I converted that has an RV theme...well sort of. It was called PAUL and stars
Simon Pegg and
Nick Frost as a couple of English RV enthusiasts who meet up with an Alien voiced by
Seth Rogen. I highly recommend it for RV folks.
Thankfully, I filled my fuel tank just before I arrived since it was WAY too hot for 5 of us to sit in my small RV and watch a movie without air conditioning. The outside temp read 93 degrees! Ran the generator for a couple of hours, played the movie and stayed cool. I believe that RV's were created for this kind of social entertaining. Had snacks, cold drinks, comfort and a movie with good friends. Who could ask for anything more!
After the movie we retired to our respective "homes" and had an uneventful night. Well, except for the torrential downpours and occasional lightning and thunder. My only concerns....did my
leak repairs work or would I be getting my morning shower early and would the dirt driveway disintegrate and slide us into the field beside it. Answers? No and No. Thanks for small miracles! In the morning my friends wife made corn meal pancakes and coffee....mmmmm... Then off to their beach with kayaks and lunch. Ate a grilled veggie burger. It was...OK. Still firmly in the beef camp on that one.
Why Don't They Make 4 Burner Stoves Anymore? |
On a side note, if you (like me) don't spend a lot of time outside, it's a bad idea to spend all day at the beach, not drink enough water and get broiled by the sun. Thankfully I didn't burn, but I did dehydrate a bit and ended up with a nasty headache. Once back to the RV I went to the medicine cabinet and had some aspirin (well, Tylenol really) and turned the A/C on for a while. (Ain't RVs great!) After about a quart of cool water I was feeling well enough to cook. I had forgotten just how much, quantity wise, you have to chop up when serving 5 people! Vidalia and purple Onions, three colors of peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, peas (I know, I DIDN'T cut these!) and mushrooms. Sauteed it all in a garlic and oil wine sauce with parmesan, pepper, parsley and a few other "secret" ingredients. Boiled up some rotini and mixed it all together. Voila! A vegeterian dish. Of course, forgot I had brought Caesar salad fixin's but heck, no ones perfect.
Here's to Good Friends! |
Delivered it to their trailer (their turn to run the air conditioner/generator combo!) and we had a great meal with some great conversation. Then off to get some ice cream sundaes and watch the fireworks at Fort Ticonderoga, New York. Got a great spot even though it was beginning to rain again...the show went on and it was great! Their young daughter was especially entranced by the show. She is a sweetie!
Driving back in the pouring rain, we saw an older biker on the side of the road with his bike on it's side. Remember, in bad rain, the roads AND the visibility can make travel treacherous. We stopped and rendered assistance, getting his big cruiser motorcycle up on two wheels. The damage was mostly cosmetic (and maybe his pride as well?) and he was off down the road. We went back to the campsite and retired. Again torrential rains...same concerns....still OK. Yay!
Badly Framed Gauge Picture. |
In the morning I helped them get packed up and hitched up. Most times I am glad I have a Class A. getting ready to go is much easier for me. Especially since I usually travel alone. My friend offered his campsite for me to stay an extra day, but we all decided to travel together most of the way back. Stopping for Iced Coffee (VERY important!) and at the outlet stores. yes, I know. rampant consumerism...but hey they had a Coleman's outlet AND a Kitchen store! Back on the road. Down the New York State Thruway with a final fuel stop in Kingston, New York where we split up. My transmission temps, even on long hills were around 200 degrees when I switched on the
supplemental fan. Worked as advertised! Arrived home without further incident.
The ease of RV travel lends itself to short trips with friends. Spontaneity is a good thing! I love my RV and I'm sure you love yours as well. The best memories on made on the road!
Be Seeing You...Down The Road,
Rich "
The Wanderman"