Lots Of Places To Put A Note! |
Even when I was younger, I would forget things. Maybe because my brain runs at 90 MPH all the time, I lose track of some things. Perhaps as I get older (Not OLD!) it's getting worse. I'm not so sure about that, but you never know. If it gets bad enough, I could hide my own Easter eggs! Thankfully, I'm not quite at that point yet. I have taken to writing short notes to myself so I remember to do something. We've all been there. RV all loaded, get in the driver's seat and go off down the road...a few minutes later you remember something you forgot to take with you! Don't be shy....we've ALL done it at least once. A long time ago some smart guy invented the Post-It note. It was just a little pad of paper with a tacky glue strip along one end that you could stick and re-stick to many surfaces without damaging them. Perfect for short notes! You can use them for all kinds of things. I do.
So Many Sizes And Colors! |
Of course, the most obvious in our case, is making a list of items to take with you or do before you leave on your RV adventure. "Make sure home Oven is off" comes to mind. Whenever I begin a project that requires a bunch of tools and parts from various places, I make a short list. This way I don't get ready to work on something and have a bit missing or forget a tool that's across the street, buried in a toolbox I don't regularly use (or maybe it's not there to start with!)
They are great for recipes. I put down what I am missing to prepare a particular recipe and make sure I stick it by the door. This way, when I stop at a Walmart or shopping center with a supermarket, I just grab the note and go shopping. Nothing worse than beginning to cook and realizing a primary ingredient is missing! Especially when Boondocking away from civilization!
A Giant Sticky Note Mounting Board! |
Fixing stuff can be easy....what if you begin a job and realize you need some additional hardware? Write it down and THEN go to the store. This way, you may only have to make one trip. Don't ask me how I know this... How often have you thought to yourself, I'll remember what I need, it's only a few items?" Part numbers! Who is going to remember the exact part numbers for a mechanical project? I find these little squares (or rectangles) of paper to be a god-send. They come in all colors and sizes. I am sure you'll find one you like. I have a small square purple pad on my desk. I use it all the time. They stick great to RV windows, so kitchen lists go there. I found if I stick them to the fridge, I always end up bumping them to the floor.... Then what?
Believe me, the first time one of these little notes saves you a trip back to the house or the store, you'll be grateful you have it! Oh, by the way...make sure you have a pen too!
Be Seeing You...Down The Road,
Rich "
The Wanderman"
Thanks foe this article. I, too, am a big fan of post-it notes. I prefer the super-sticky. They attach to more surfaces and hold longer.
DeleteMany times, I'll just buy what's on sale. they all work pretty well. And they don't last long enough to matter much!
Rich "The Wanderman"
Dear wife is having a nap. I leave a post it note to tell her where I went and when I left so she'll not have to wonder when she wakes up. Hint: DO NOT ESTIMATE WHEN YOU'LL RETURN. YOU'LL BE IN TROUBLE IF YOU'RE LATE. :)
DeleteDoes she really want to know ;)
Great idea!
Rich "The Wanderman"
I have used them for years. Stuck notes all over my desk drawers. I am known as the Post it Notes queen in my family. I get them as stocking stuffers at Christmas. I use the little strip ones in my bird book to show ones I've identified at our home. I use the electronic ones on my desktop computer to remind me of Dr. and dental appointments.
DeletePerfect! I couldn't agree more. Incredibly useful, simple ideas are almost always the best ones.
Rich "The Wanderman"
Not trusting today's technology, I always have a pad of 'Post it notes ' in my shirt pocket. Each day is recorded on a separate page. If three days from today I have a dr. appt it is noted on that days page. I always keep at least one week in advance notices in my pocket. Any tasks not completed are copied on the next days page. extra blank pages are great for writing down special addresses etc to record on my calendar in the home.
DeleteHow do you deal with them getting damp from sweat?
Rich "The Wanderman"